Business Management Consultancy Services

We use business management consultancy services to dig deep to find your key areas of business frustration.


with the following –

Business Health Check

When last did you review the health of your business? Like a tune up visit to the mechanic or the doctor, a health check will help diagnose  which areas need work done or improvement.

BCINC Canada will assist you with a health check up to provide a preliminary diagnosis of your pain points, opportunities, and solutions to meet your goals

Business Management Consultancy Services

Business Management Problem Evaluation Options

We deliver this service through 3 options, so you can easily select the program that is right for you and your business

1.Business Management Operational Audit (Internal Audit)

BCINC helps assess current processes, procedures, & controls with a business management operational audit.

We identify areas to improve operations, increase efficiency or productivity of processes, & provide reports you can actually understand. Audits can be intrusive, so we train your teams so they can conduct them as well.

2. Business Process Mapping

Do you find that most employees rarely follow procedures, or do you want a visual overview of the current state of your business? A picture says a thousand words.

BCINC can help with process mapping to visually display the sequence of steps within a business process from start to finish and see how it ties into your management systems

3. Root Cause Analysis

Are broken processes causing errors, rejects, re-work, or failures even after you thought you had fixed the problems? BCINC will use a root cause analysis to find the underlying cause of recurring problems to make it easier to find lasting solutions.

We use the same technique to address issues related to non-conformance or non-compliance and identify corrective actions for continuous improvement.


Often the cause of frustration in business management begins with the inability of the business owner or senior executive officer to effectively mange their productivity and time.

This means that they must learn to manage themselves before they can effectively manage their teams.

Personal Productivity

BCINC helps business owners, team leads and managers with improvements to email and time management, multi-tasking, and procrastination to boost personal productivity.

They can then consistently complete important tasks efficiently. Leaders who lead themselves efficiently produce efficient teams

Employee and Team Productivity

Do you want to  remove the guesswork around employee and team productivity over a certain time frame? Because productivity depends on an array of factors, BCINC will identify your business specific factors that decrease productivity and efficiency, with recommendations for improvement.

Time Management and Productivity

BCINC will conduct a mindful process of properly planning and organizing your tasks using simple goal setting and scheduling techniques.

Recommended process improvements engage conscious control over the amount of time spent on certain activities, and increase productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness.


You can engage BCINC as your Business Advisor on a monthly retainer’s basis to work with you to guide you on how to address your business issues as they arise. Contact US Now To DISCUSS

Need Other BCINC Services?

Quality Management

Business Development

What is Compliance in Business

Business Retainer-ship

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