Internal Audit of Operations

BCINC conducts an internal audit of operations based on the needs of the business – operational, regulatory compliance, risk assessment, and targeted root cause analysis.


Business Management Operational Audit

BCINC Canada is Lead Auditor certified to assess processes, procedures and controls with a business management operational audit and identify areas to improve operations.

The goal is to improve productivity and increase efficiency of processes. We provide reports you can actually understand and train your teams for future audits.

Internal Audit of Operations

Regulatory Compliance Management

All businesses face a variety of risks that can threaten operations, reputation, and the bottom line.

Regulatory compliance is the set of organizational processes, policies, and procedures that support compliance with the laws, rules, regulations, requirements, and guidelines established by lawmakers in the jurisdictions in which your business operates.

BCINC will assist your business to maintain its integrity and reputation by identifying laws, rules, codes and standards applicable to your operating environment.

We bring these compliance obligations into daily processes and procedures, monitor compliance controls, and create internal reports.

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment identifies hazards that could negatively impact the ability to conduct business. These assessments not only help identify these  business risks but provide measures, processes and controls to reduce the impact of these risks to business operations.

Conducting a risk assessment puts you in better shape to manage any potential risk to your business.

Taking the time to look for the hazards facing your business and figuring out how to manage them makes you proactive rather than reactive to scenarios that can cost considerably more time and resources when they happen.

BCINC will conduct a risk assessment to identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm or negative impact on people, environment, or assets as they relate to your business.

We analyze, evaluate, and assess tolerability for each risk. This is especially important for new projects and start-ups.

Root Cause Analysis

Are you consistently having similar re-occurrences such as hearing the same complaints from customers, consistent equipment downtime, high rate of employee attrition etc?

A deep dive root cause analysis will identify the true cause of these issues so that you can throw away the band-aid approach and fix the problem once and for all and set you on the path to continuous improvement!

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