11 Overlooked Threats to Family Businesses Hinder Growth

Many unique challenges are often not properly addressed, and eventually become threats to family businesses. Overlooking, or sweeping many of these challenges under the carpet can create even bigger threats that hinder growth. This approach is a recipe for disaster.

Some of these threats can significantly impact the long-term success of the business, and interestingly, the business breeds these threats in most areas of the business

This article reviews 11 threats faced by family businesses and the impact of each one to the running of the business.

Threats to Family Businesses 1: Lack of A Governance Structure:

Family businesses often lack formal governance structures, such as a board of directors or advisory board, which can provide strategic guidance and oversight. Without proper governance, decision-making processes may lack transparency and accountability.

Family-owned-business-3-generations - 11 Overlooked Threats to Family Businesses Hinder Growth
  • Challenge: Establishing clear governance structures and accountability measures can be difficult in a family-centric environment.
  • Impact: Lack of accountability can lead to ineffective management and operational inefficiencies.

Threats to Family Businesses 2: Overreliance on Family Members:

Relying too heavily on family members for key roles within the business can limit diversity of thought and skillsets. It may also result in promoting individuals who may not be the best fit for the role, based solely on family ties.

  • Challenge: Balancing family members’ roles and responsibilities can lead to conflicts of interest, particularly in financial matters.
  • Impact: Mismanagement and favoritism can erode trust and affect the business’s financial health.

Threats to Family Businesses 3: Interpersonal Conflict Resolution

Conflicts within the family can spill over into the business, affecting decision-making processes and hindering productivity. Without effective conflict resolution mechanisms in place, these disputes can escalate and negatively impact the business’s growth prospects.

  • Challenge: Personal relationships can complicate professional interactions, leading to disagreements and emotional decision-making.
  • Impact: Conflicts can disrupt operations, affect employee morale, and damage family relationships.

Threats to Family Businesses 4: Communication Issues

  • Challenge: Effective communication can be hampered by family dynamics, leading to misunderstandings and lack of transparency.
  • Impact: Poor communication can result in misaligned goals, operational inefficiencies, and unresolved conflicts.

Threats to Family Businesses 5: Lack of Professionalism

wood workshop family business - 11 Overlooked Threats to Family Businesses Hinder Growth
Wood Workshop Family Business

Family businesses may sometimes prioritize family dynamics over professional standards. This can lead to inefficiencies, poor decision-making, and difficulty attracting and retaining top talent.

  • Challenge: Balancing the informal family culture with the need for professional business practices can be difficult.
  • Impact: Lack of formal structures and processes can hinder growth and make the business less competitive.

Threats to Family Businesses 6: Talent Retention and Recruitment

  • Challenge: Attracting and retaining non-family talent can be challenging if career growth opportunities are perceived as limited.
  • Impact: A lack of skilled professionals can impede business growth and innovation.

Threats to Family Businesses 7: Decision-Making

  • Challenge: Family dynamics can influence decisions, often prioritizing personal interests over business needs.
  • Impact: Biased or emotional decision-making can result in poor business outcomes and missed opportunities.

Threats to Family Businesses 8: Financial Management

Family businesses may face challenges in accessing external capital for growth due to a lack of established credit history or reluctance to dilute family ownership. This can limit their ability to invest in expansion opportunities and innovate.

  • Challenge: Separating personal finances from business finances can be problematic, leading to misallocation of resources.
  • Impact: Financial mismanagement can jeopardize the business’s stability and growth.

Wealth Management Challenges:

As the business grows, managing family wealth becomes increasingly complex. Without proper financial planning and wealth management strategies, family wealth can be eroded over time, affecting the business’s ability to reinvest and grow.

Threats to Family Businesses 9: Talent Retention and Recruitment

  • Challenge: Attracting and retaining non-family talent can be challenging if career growth opportunities are perceived as limited.
  • Impact: A lack of skilled professionals can impede business growth and innovation.

Threats to Family Businesses 10: Generational Differences and Failing to Adapt to Change:

Family businesses that resist change or are slow to adapt to market trends and technological advancements risk falling behind competitors. Flexibility and openness to new ideas are crucial for sustained growth in today’s dynamic business environment.

Threats to Family Businesses 11: Succession Planning Issues

Many family businesses struggle with succession planning, which involves transitioning leadership and ownership to the next generation. If not handled properly, conflicts can arise among family members, and the lack of a clear plan can disrupt business operations and hinder growth.

  • Challenge: Determining who will take over leadership roles can create conflicts and uncertainty.
  • Impact: Poorly planned transitions can lead to power struggles, reduced morale, and business instability.

The Solution

Addressing these threats to family businesses requires proactive measures, such as implementing robust governance structures, fostering open communication among family members, investing in professional development, and seeking external expertise when needed.

These challenges must be tackled head-on. Unfortunately many of these businesses lack the skills for implementation. Firstly, identifying that you do not have the skills to set up appropriate structures and execute is a step in the right direction.

The next step is to find assistance to get the job done. BCINC can help you set up the necessary framework to ensure the success of your business. CALL or CONTACT US TODAY to get started.

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What are common overlooked threats to family businesses?

Common overlooked threats include inadequate or lack of succession planning, lack of professionalism, poor financial management, and failure to adapt to market changes. These issues can impede growth and sustainability.

How can family businesses mitigate these threats?

Implementing structured succession plans, hiring professional managers, and staying agile to market trends can help mitigate these threats, ensuring long-term growth and stability.

How can lack of succession planning hinder growth in family businesses?

Without a clear succession plan, leadership transitions can cause uncertainty and conflict, disrupting operations and strategic direction. This can hinder growth and stability, emphasizing the need for early and thorough planning.


CPA Canada (2019) Family enterprises: a major (yet little known) sector of the economy https://www.cpacanada.ca/news/canada/2019-11-18-family-businesses-canadian-economy

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