How Effective Delegation Motivates Your Team – Unlock 6 Keys

Recognizing how effective delegation motivates in team performance is essential for leaders and managers. By understanding what drives motivation and how to effectively cultivate it within their teams, leaders and business owners alike can create an environment where individuals feel valued, empowered, and inspired to perform at their best.

Delegation is what helps you get more done quickly. But you have to delegate effectively, otherwise you end up demotivating the people you delegated to, thereby creating a bigger problem for the business.

More importantly, delegation requires some up-front work by you as the leader or business owner! It is an acquired skill.

This article looks at the 6 keys for effective delegation to build highly engaged motivated teams with trust.

How to Ensure Effective Delegation – 6 Keys

There are 6 keys to unlock effective delegation. The first two keys are critical – definition of purpose, and proper task assignment. If you do not get these right, the other keys are like duds because you have have already placed round pokes in square holes!

What Makes Delegation Effective? – Define Your Purpose

How Effective Delegation Motivates Your Team

What do you want to accomplish? Obviously you will not want a bookkeeper to be a project manager to execute production and delivery of a very large order contract you just acquired for your small business.

However, you might consider delegating the task of managing the company books you have been working on to a part-time bookkeeper. Getting a technician to help out will not work!

You delegate work you could have done yourself and do not really need to do, or work where you are not necessarily an expert at doing (and there is no need becoming one!). Delegation gets the job done faster!

Assign the Task to the Right Person

Assign tasks based on individuals’ skills, strengths, and developmental needs. Match the complexity and nature of the task with the capabilities of the team member to set them up for success.

Consider their workload and availability to avoid overwhelming them with too many responsibilities.

Provide Clear Instructions

Clearly communicate the objectives, expectations, and desired outcomes of the delegated task. Provide all necessary information, resources, and guidelines to ensure that team members have a comprehensive understanding of what needs to be accomplished.

This could be in the form of checklists or documented instructions

Empower with Some Authority and Autonomy

Delegate not just the tasks but also the necessary authority to make decisions and take action. Empower team members to exercise their judgment and make choices within the scope of their responsibilities. Granting autonomy fosters a sense of ownership and encourages creativity and innovation.

Provide Necessary Support and Resources

Ensure that team members have access to the resources, tools, and support they need to accomplish the delegated task successfully. Provide guidance, mentorship, and ongoing feedback to help them navigate challenges and overcome obstacles.

Ensure Proper Accountability and Feedback Loops

Establish clear accountability mechanisms to track progress and ensure timely completion of tasks. Regularly provide constructive feedback, recognize achievements, and address any performance issues promptly. Feedback helps team members learn and improve, while accountability fosters a sense of responsibility and commitment.

What Makes Delegation Effective? -The Link Between Delegation and Team Motivation

Motivation Can be a Catalyst for Team Performance

Motivation can serve as a powerful catalyst for team performance. When team members are motivated, they are driven to excel, go the extra mile, and contribute their best efforts towards achieving team goals.

Motivated individuals are more engaged, focused, and enthusiastic about their work. They exhibit higher levels of commitment, productivity, and a proactive attitude, leading to improved team performance.

Motivated teams also experience higher levels of satisfaction and job fulfillment, resulting in increased loyalty, lower turnover rates, and a positive work environment.

Finally, motivation acts as fuel that propel teams towards their best, inspires collaboration, and fosters a shared sense of purpose.

So, How Does Delegation Boost Motivation?

Effective delegation plays an all-important role in boosting team motivation as it does the following 5 things to those you have delegated tasks or assignments.

Creates Increased Ownership and Responsibility

It entrusts employees with important tasks and responsibilities. When individuals feel trusted and accountable for their work, they experience a heightened sense of ownership and responsibility.

This sense of ownership fuels intrinsic motivation, as team members are more driven to achieve success and take pride in their contributions.

Increases Skill Development and Provides Growth Opportunities

Delegation provides team members with opportunities to develop new skills and expand their knowledge. By assigning tasks that stretch their abilities and offer growth potential, you demonstrate a belief in their capabilities and provide a platform for personal and professional development.

When team members see their skills evolving, it enhances their motivation and job satisfaction.

Provides Recognition and Appreciation

When leaders delegate, it allows them to recognize and appreciate the contributions of team members. When individuals are entrusted with significant tasks, completing them successfully becomes an opportunity for recognition and acknowledgment.

Publicly recognizing and appreciating their efforts not only boosts motivation but also reinforces a culture of appreciation and recognition within the team.

Autonomy and Decision-making Authority

By granting team members autonomy and decision-making authority within their delegated tasks you provide them with a sense of trust, respect, and empowerment.

How Effective Delegation Motivates Your Team

When individuals have the freedom to make decisions, they feel more invested in the outcome and motivated to achieve success. Autonomy encourages creativity, innovation, and a sense of ownership, leading to increased motivation.

Career Progression and Advancement

Delegation can be an effective tool you use as a leader or business owner to identify high-potential individuals within the team.

By delegating tasks that align with their career aspirations and providing growth opportunities, leaders can motivate team members by showing a commitment to their professional advancement.

When individuals see a clear path for growth and development, they are more motivated to perform at their best and contribute to the team’s success.

“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”

Steve Jobs

The Role of Autonomy in Motivating Team Members

Autonomy plays a significant role in motivating team members in effective delegation. When individuals have autonomy, they have the freedom to make decisions, exercise their judgment, and take ownership of their work.

Unfortunately, this is the key most business owners and leaders leaders fear the most and hang on to tenaciously despite “delegating certain tasks!”

Let us consider the effects of empowerment of autonomy on an employee.

Provides a Sense of Control and Empowerment

Autonomy provides team members with a sense of control over their work. When individuals have the authority to make decisions and choose how to approach tasks, they feel empowered and valued.

This sense of control enhances motivation as team members take ownership of their responsibilities and feel more accountable for their actions.

Increases Job Satisfaction

Autonomy allows individuals to align their work with their strengths, preferences, and creativity. When team members have the freedom to shape their work process, it leads to increased job satisfaction.

They feel more engaged, fulfilled, and motivated when their work aligns with their interests and abilities.

Provides an Opportunity for Innovation and Creativity

Autonomy encourages innovation and creativity within the team. When individuals have the freedom to explore different approaches, experiment with new ideas, and find unique solutions to challenges, it stimulates their creativity.

This creative freedom inspires motivation, as team members are excited to bring their innovative ideas to the table and make a meaningful impact.

Demonstrates Leaders’ Trust and Respect

Granting autonomy demonstrates trust and respect for team members’ abilities. When individuals feel trusted to make decisions, it boosts their self-confidence and self-esteem.

This trust fosters a positive psychological environment, motivating team members to live up to the expectations placed upon them.

Provides Ownership of Personal Growth and Mastery

Autonomy allows team members to take ownership of their professional growth and development. When individuals have control over their work and the opportunity to learn and master new skills, it fosters a sense of personal growth.

This sense of growth contributes to their motivation as they strive to excel and achieve mastery in their delegated tasks.

By leveraging the power of autonomy in delegation, leaders can significantly enhance team member motivation. Empowering team members with autonomy not only drives their individual performance but also cultivates a culture of trust, creativity, and continuous improvement within the team.

Conclusion – What Makes Delegation Effective?

How effective delegation motivates your team actually depends on you as the leader or business owner! It is also an acquired skill.

You may not get it right the first, or even the second time around, but follow the process and you will achieve significant benefits and progress in getting things done, while building a team that is motivated who have a trust of their leadership.

If you need assistance with delegation techniques or require additional information on this topic, phone us or CONTACT US TODAY


HBS Online (2020) How to Delegate Effectively: 9 Tips for Managers

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