How to Fix Feeling Overwhelmed in Small Business – 8 Steps

Are you feeling overwhelmed in small business? When everything’s spiraling out of control, and you’re just one more email away from curling up under your desk, here’s how to immediately address the overwhelm—before your stress levels reach “stressed spelled backwards is desserts” territory!

Don’t first go for the “set realistic goals, automate, limit distractions and so much more routine” which you’ve heard of before. You need more than that when your pants are literarily on fire.

This article is a down-to-earth proven approach of 8 steps that work which BCINC uses, and has recommended to many small business owners! Try them….

Immediate Actions to Fix Feeling Overwhelmed in Small Business

burn out syndrome - a young man or employee sits under the table -
Overwhelm / burn out syndrome – a young man or an employee sits under the table

There are some things you must do immediately you feel yourself being sucked into the vortex of overwhelm.

1. STOP Everything. Breathe.

First, put down the 3rd cup of coffee. Seriously. Push your office chair back – away from your desk. This sets the stage that you are disengaging. Take a deep breath or two, inhale……. and then exhale. Do this as many times as is necessary to stop the rapid pounding of your heart.

Okay, now you’re slightly less likely to throw your laptop out the window, right? It’s amazing how often we forget to just pause for a minute when chaos hits. No deep meditation is required, just a quick “time-out” for your brain. Stay calm for as long as possible.

If you still need more time, you may need to take a walk.

2. Impose a Mandatory 10-Minute “Walk Away” Rule

Yes, walk away. Physically. Get up and take a brisk stroll—even if it’s just to the fridge or to stare longingly out the window at green grass and trees, and wondering how pigeons seem so carefree.

Moving your body always help calm the mental storm. It also prevents you from setting your to-do list on fire, which, let’s be real, you were this close to doing.

3. Order Pizza. Or Your Comfort Food of Choice.

overwhelmed and tired male mechanic - How to Fix Feeling overwhelmed in Small Business
Overwhelmed and tired male mechanic

Sometimes, immediate relief comes in the form of carbs. Although pizza will not solve your business problems, but it will give you the emotional fortitude to pretend things are fine for 20 minutes. Plus, it is a great excuse to step away from the chaos for a bit!

4. Reframe Your Mindset: You’re Not Failing, You’re Learning

While you are munching on your comfort food of choice, you will find that in moments of sheer panic, it is easy to think: “Why am I running this chaos carnival?” But here’s the truth: every business owner feels like this at some point.

You’re not a failure; you’re learning the ropes—and sometimes those ropes are tied in really annoying knots. The good news? Untying knots is a skill you’ll soon master. More importantly, you do not have to do this alone. Reach out for help if needed.

Once your mind is better settled, it is now time to develop an action plan – to fix whatever had triggered this intense bout of overwhelm

Action Plan Time!

5. Make a List of What’s on Fire (Metaphorically)

Go to back to your desk. Take 5 minutes—grab a sticky note, your phone, or even that napkin on your desk—and list out what’s going wrong right now.

Not tomorrow’s meeting or next week’s sales pitch, but what’s melting down this very moment. Is it angry customers? Unpaid bills? Whatever it is, get it down. You’ve got a mental circus going on, so put those wild animals in cages!

Hand buried under paperwork holding up a help sign - How to Fix Feeling Overwhelmed in Small Business
Hand buried under paperwork holding up a help sign

6. Triage: What Needs Immediate CPR?

Now that you’ve written down what’s burning, triage it like an ER doctor in a disaster movie.

  • If it’s a 911 emergency such as an angry client, a missed deadline, other looming deadlines, poor performance of an employee affecting the business, make sure you handle that first. These are urgent and important.
  • If it is something that feels urgent but can wait such as the 373 unopened emails in your inbox, upcoming projects or reports), just breathe. It’s not life-threatening—yet. These are not urgent but important and can be derred until later.
  • And the things that can wait? Bump them to tomorrow’s problem! Procrastination, when done correctly, can be a life saver.

7. Delegate Like You’re the CEO of Delegation Nation

Your inner control freak might fight this, but seriously, you don’t have to do everything. You are the captain of your ship, not the entire crew.

Take a look at those items on your list which are not immediately important but urgent. Do you have an employee? Give them something—anything.

If you are a solopreneur, look into quick outsourcing such as Fiverr, Upwork, or a consultant. If you cannot afford to, it is time to learn the ancient art of saying “No” (or the more delicate: “Not right now”).

Remember, just because you can do everything does not mean you should. If you do, you will always be in the territory of overwhelm and frustration or quickly descend into burnout. Not a good sign.

8. Get Help: Immediate Solutions Are at Your Fingertips

Call a mentor, a business buddy, or even that one friend who’s unnervingly calm in crisis situations (everyone has one!). Just venting for 5 minutes or getting a quick tip can change the entire trajectory of your day.

Conclusion – Feeling Overwhelmed in Small Business

By doing just one of these things, you will go from “Oh no, I’m drowning!” to “Thankfully, I’m still floating!” Remember, there is no magic fix—but these little steps can keep you sane until things stabilize.

If after doing all these, and you still need assistance contact BCINC today.

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What are the tell-tale signs of feeling overwhelmed in small business?

Signs of overwhelm in small business include constant stress, difficulty focusing, procrastination, decision fatigue, working long hours with little progress, neglecting self-care, and feeling like you’re constantly putting out fires. You may also experience irritability, burnout, and a loss of passion for your business.


Zucker, R (2019) Stress Management: How to Deal with Constantly Feeling Overwhelmed. Harvard Business Review

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