7 Important Leadership and Management Skills in Small Business

Managing a small business requires a unique set of skills and qualities. Find out the 7 important leadership and management skills you need to thrive.

For many small business owners, managing a business, especially a small one, is usually all about overseeing day-to-day operations.

It is much more than that as it requires a unique set of skills and qualities that not only keep the ship afloat but also steer it in the right direction. These skills collectively make up managerial skills for leadership.

As a small business owner, you are the boss, leader, decision-maker, marketing and sales manager and often the face of your business. To this end, developing your managerial skills is a necessity for the survival and growth of your business.

You need to be able to motivate and guide your team, make smart decisions, and adapt to an ever-changing business landscape.

Text leadership in uppercase on paper with arrows to associated qualities, empower people, inspire, lead change and shared vision on wood table. Business and success concept - 7 Important Leadership and Management Skills

Leadership and Management – What is the Difference?

A small business owner needs to understand the distinction between leadership and management. While these two roles often overlap, they serve different purposes within your business.

  • Leadership involves setting a vision, inspiring and motivating your team, and guiding them towards achieving long-term goals. It’s about influencing and empowering your employees to perform at their best. As a small business owner, you are the leadership of your business
  • Management, on the other hand, focuses on organizing, planning, and ensuring that day-to-day operations run smoothly. It involves handling the practical aspects of your business, such as budgets, schedules, and resources.

As a small business owner, you need to be both a leader and a manager. Effective leadership encourages your team to buy into your vision, while strong management ensures that the necessary tasks are executed efficiently.

Balancing these roles effectively is key to the success of your small business. Your ability to build both important leadership and management skills will determine how well you can navigate the challenges and opportunities that come your way.

Important Leadership and Management Skills You Need

There are 4 personal leadership and managements skills every small business owner (in fact, every business owner) must strive to develop. These are communication, decision-making, problem solving and time management skills.

Time management tops the list of important leadership and management skills you need. This is because a leader must first of all be able to manage him/her- self BEFORE they can manage others.

Running a disorganized or chaotic business will not create trust in employees and will be even less so in your customers.

1. Time Management

With limited time and resources, prioritizing tasks is essential. Effective time management involves identifying the most important and urgent tasks and allocating your energy accordingly. By focusing on what truly matters, you can drive your business forward.

This will involve recognizing when and how to delegate tasks or outsource. is a crucial time management skill. Trusting your team to handle specific responsibilities not only lightens your load but also empowers your employees and fosters a sense of ownership within the organization.

2. Communication Skills

Time management words on a white notebook and clock - 7 Important Leadership and Management Skills

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful leadership.

It is the ability to articulate and convey your ideas and vision while listening and engaging with others such as your employees and suppliers, and ensuring everyone is on the same page whether in team meetings, one-on-one discussions, or written communication.

Active listening goes hand in hand with effective communication. By being an active listener, you can build trust, identify concerns, and make better decisions based on the valuable insights your team provides.

3. Decision-Making Skills

Good leadership is characterized by the ability to make good decisions. A leader considers all the different factors before making a decision. A clear decision creates confidence in the leadership.

As a small business owner, you will frequently face critical decisions about resource allocation, strategy, and growth. Developing analytical decision-making skills will help you make decisions that are not only beneficial but also sustainable for your business.

Obviously to do so, you will have to review your business analytics by assessing data and information to arrive at well-informed choices in a timely manner.

Procrastination can lead to missed opportunities or delayed progress and timely decisions sometimes require taking calculated risks to set your business on the path to success.

4. Problem-Solving Skills

Small businesses often encounter challenges and obstacles. Your problem-solving skills involve the ability to identify these issues promptly.

Whether it’s a production roadblock, customer complaints, or market changes, recognizing problems early enables you to address them before they escalate.

You also need the skills to develop and implement effective solutions. This may involve creative problem-solving, collaboration with your team, and resource allocation to ensure that the issues are resolved efficiently.

Other important leadership and management skills are in fact sub-skills of people management.

5. People Management

Successfully managing people in your small business goes beyond just managing tasks; it is about nurturing relationships, fostering a positive work culture, and ensuring that your employees are motivated and engaged.

As a business owner you must learn how to do the following:

Important Leadership and Management Skills – Learn to Build a High-performing Team

This requires more than just hiring the right people, and is sometimes easier said than done!

It involves nurturing a culture of collaboration and mutual support. As a leader, your role is to inspire, motivate, and lead by example. Effective team leadership encourages innovation and productivity while creating a positive work environment.

Observing employees work procedures and the work flow is foundational to implementing adjustments to improve results.  To have credibility, a leader must be seen and be known to be up to date with what is happening in the work place.

Demonstrate Strong Knowledge and Experience about the Business Systems and Processes

Good leadership comes from a place of understanding the business more than anyone else. If you do not not possess all the expertise and knowledge personally, hire consultants to help you.

Employees easily know when an owner is lacking in expertise and experience. Make no mistake, this is one reason why an owner hires competent employees, however, with personal professional development they should endeavor to get up to speed themselves.

The business world is constantly evolving, and as a small business owner, it’s essential to stay updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices. Continuous learning is a fundamental aspect of self-development.

This involves attending workshops, seminars, online courses, and reading relevant literature to expand your knowledge and skills.

A good leader will continually review the strengths and weaknesses of employees and provide training and professional development strategies where necessary. This will serve as incentive to employee retention as well.

Monitors Employee Performance and Motivation

Motivated employees are more productive and committed to your business’s success. Employee performance should be monitored in mutually accepted ways and these assessments and evaluations should not be merely all formality or paperwork that needs to be done.

Employees need to work under clear guidelines in a structured environment which means that policies and procedures need to be clear.

Leader addressing team sitting at a round table meeting - 7 Important Leadership and Management Skills

To keep your employees engaged and enthusiastic, you must endeavor to understand their individual motivations and provide recognition, rewards, and opportunities for growth through personal development.

As a small business owner, it’s your responsibility to create a culture that encourages and rewards innovation. This involves providing opportunities for creative thinking, acknowledging and supporting new ideas from your team, and investing in research and professional development when possible.

Able to Resolve Conflicts

Conflicts are a natural part of any workplace. As a leader, it is your responsibility to address and resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.

Effective conflict resolution involves active listening, empathy, and finding mutually agreeable solutions that will build trust and respect within your business.

6. Financial Management Skills

Financial acumen is not just about managing money; it’s about using financial data to make informed decisions that drive your business forward.

With a solid grasp of financial principles, you will be better equipped to navigate the financial challenges and opportunities that come your way as a small business owner and efficiently allocate resources – human and financial.

Needless to say, not many small business owners have expertise in this area, so getting the help of a bookkeeper or accountant is generally helpful.

Small business success is closely tied to sound financial management. Developing strong budgeting and financial planning skills allows you to control costs, allocate resources effectively, and maintain profitability.

This involves creating a well-structured budget, monitoring expenses, and adjusting your financial plan as circumstances change. If this is your weak spot, do not be afraid to outsource the work. This will save you time and money in the long run.

7. Ability to Quickly Adapt to Change

The business landscape is dynamic, and small businesses are often more susceptible to market shifts. Adaptability is a crucial managerial skill, allowing you to respond effectively to changes in technology, customer preferences, and economic conditions.

Embracing change involves being open to new ideas, being willing to pivot when necessary, and having the foresight to anticipate trends.

On going review and research is vital in order to keep on the cutting edge in business.  While managing the present to ensure on going excellence in performance and product, a good leader is also able to look towards the future. 

Conducting and evaluating research is an important way of planning and being prepared for the future.

Conclusion – Important Leadership and Management Skills

Good leadership is always pro active rather than reactive. By developing these important leadership and management skills a good leader is on the road to becoming a great leader.

The journey of small business ownership is filled with challenges, but it is also abundant in opportunities for growth and achievement.

As you work to cultivate and refine your managerial skills for leadership, remember that continuous improvement is a lifelong process.

Commit to developing and applying these skills, and you’ll not only enhance your own leadership capabilities but also create an environment where your business can thrive. Your dedication to self-improvement and the well-being of your team will set the stage for long-term success in the world of small business ownership.

Looking for assistance in any of these 7 important leadership and management skills? We can help. CONTACT US TODAY.

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