Remove Chaos in Business – How to Use Visionary Planning

It can be challenging to remove chaos in business as it is usually self-inflicted when systems and processes have evolved by default rather than by design.

Many of these individual, sometimes patchwork systems and processes, were developed for expediency to satisfy immediate needs as they arose.

If your systems and processes cannot be consistently replicated, scaling of the business will be difficult, with a lot of time wastage and frustration.

Signs of Self-Inflicted Chaos in Business

See Infographic below

  • Unclear responsibilities and lack of accountabilities
  • Constantly “putting out fires”
  • A heavy dose of the “blame game” and finger pointing
  • Undefined work and overlapping or non-aligned processes
  • Appropriate systems and processes are not in place
  • Poorly managed document creation, control, and storage
  • Poor data management
  • Poor internal communication between management and employees
  • Poor hiring and/ or on boarding processes
  • Generation of excessive waste
  • Regulatory non-compliance and absence of a root cause analysis procedure
  • Poor metrics in use failing to provide accurate interpretation of operations for decision-making
  • The customer journey and experience are poorly defined

Differences Between a Business Plan, Goals and Strategies

There are distinct differences between a business plan, goals and strategies and not understanding them is a major reason why the concept of a business plan is often misunderstood.

Many believe it is only necessary for start-ups who want to secure business loans

Goals are not strategies, and neither are they a business plan. They represent milestones.

A strategy involves the choices you make to reach your goals. In essence, strategy involves the HOW of getting to a specified milestone. Too many people struggle with these distinctions because these terms are sometimes used interchangeably.

Without a strategy and implementation, goals are just mere “wishful thinking”

A Business plan, on the other hand is a framework that includes your Goals AND strategies and discusses them in the context of short-term and long-term operational plans. It represents a GPS to success.

Chaos in Business
10 Signs of Self-Inflicted Chaos

Visionary Growth Planning

This is a key issue for all organizations. It is a never-ending journey toward competitive advantage and is what will get you from where you currently are to desired success.

The magic words are strategic planning applied to ALL decision- making – short-term and long-term and should form the bedrock of any good business plan.

Benefits of a Business Plan – Remove Chaos in Business

  • Defines the focus of the business
  • Used to secure loans or attract investors
  • Helps set achievable goals and milestones
  • Proven to help business growth up to 30% faster
  • Helps a business to course correct if the business is operating without a business plan
  • Spending decisions can be made with greater confidence and critical cash flow issues are quickly detected
  • Provides better understanding of the market conditions, and competition thereby allowing quick responses to opportunities and risks
  • Helps resolve self-inflicted business chaos
  • Creates a solid foundation for strategic planning and prioritization

With all these great benefits, one wonders why some businesses push back against developing a business plan despite their different types of business problems.

Reasons given such as time constraints, assumption of an expensive cost, not being a priority, and potential disruptions to business operations all emanate from a lack of true understanding of the function and benefits of a business plan.

A key often overlooked benefit is that it can make the case for the business to have higher valuation in the event the business is sold.

What Are the Requirements of Visionary Planning?

There are 4 requirements:

Mindset shift from decision making for short-term business expediency

  • Shift from solely focusing on profit to visionary planning to consistently include effect of company vision and mission
Chaos in Business
Mindset Shifts for Transformation
  • Learning appropriate techniques to delegate and outsource
  • Consistent strategic planning
  • Transforming non-aligned workflows to systems and streamlined and optimized processes

Understanding Market Needs and the Customer Will Remove Chaos in Business

Make the effort to research and understand the prevailing market of operation and how it ties into the needs of the customer

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

What is the unique product or service of offer? Does this address a customer’s need or problem?

Some Amount of Investment

There is a monetary investment required for personal development, training, or hiring a consultant to assist with developing the Business Plan


The infographic in this article highlights the signs of chaos in a business and the benefits o a business plan. Need Assistance?

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